
  • Men's Group Facilitators

    Facilitate Man Church lessons weekly. Video based curriculum delivers the information. Facilitator must lead the discussion.


    • Preview lessons prior to meeting times.

    • Invite other men to join the group.

    • Attend leader trainings.

    Interested? Email Pastor Marcus Cochran -

  • Home Group Host

    Lead and host a Home Group in your home.


    • Prepare weekly.

    • Invite others to attend your home group.

    • Attend leader trainings.

    Interested? Email Pastor Marcus Cochran -

  • Greeters

    To make a positive first impression for Westside Church by greeting attendees as they arrive at all entrances. Greeters are expected to open the door, offer a smile and a handshake, and build rapport with people.


    • Arrive 20 minutes before service, remain at door 20 minutes after service begins

    • Open door, offer a smile and a handshake

    • Build rapport with attendees by remembering names/faces

    • Escort guests from guest parking (main door)

    • Monitor non-guests in guest parking and encourage them to park elsewhere

    • Be alert and assist those who need special assistance, i.e., elderly, handicapped

    • Answer basic questions about the facility and services/ministries, i.e., children’s area, community groups

    • Direct guests to the Welcome Desks for more detailed information

    Interested? Email Tiffany Bergh -

  • Sunday Morning Small Group Leader:

    Small group leaders lead an age-based small group of 6th-12th graders during the 9:30 service. Leaders will spend time building relationships and leading discussions in small groups based on program and prepared curriculum. 


    • Regularly attend student ministry Sunday Mornings.

    • Regularly attend Westside Church service.

    • Come prepared having studied material for the week’s small group.

    • Attend leader trainings and meetings throughout the year.


    Wednesday Night Small Group Leader:

     Small group leaders lead an age-based small group of 6th-12th graders on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm. Leaders will spend time building relationships with students, in worship, and service, and break into small groups to lead discussions based on the night’s sermon. 


    • Regularly attend student ministry Wednesday Nights.

    • Regularly attend Westside Church service.

    • Come prepared having studied material for the week’s small group.

    • Attend leader trainings and meetings throughout the year.



  • Children’s Ministry - Toddler Town (Birth – 3 years old)

    Areas of need:

    2- & 3-year-olds – 2 teachers, 2 subs (9:30 service)
    2- & 3-year-olds – 4 teachers, 2 subs (11:00 service)

    As a volunteer, each lesson’s activities would be planned and prepared for you, so the only preparation requested is to read over the lesson and pray for the children that you will be spending time with on Sunday mornings. All activities are prepared and organized to make it as easy as possible to engage with kids during classroom time. Each Sunday, volunteers welcome the kids into their classrooms and play games or complete craft activities related to that week’s lesson.


    • Arrive 15 minutes prior to service start time

    • Follow security procedures at drop off and pick up

    • Read the weekly lesson and pray over the children in your classroom

    • Lead or assist children in various games or crafts pertaining to the weekly lesson


    Sandy Bloomingdale

  • Children’s Ministry – Kid City Zoo (Pre-K & Kindergarten)

    Areas of need:

    Kindergarten – 3 teachers (9:30 service)
    3 Subs – (1 needed at 9:30 & 2 needed at 11:00)

    As a volunteer, each lesson’s activities would be planned and prepared for you, so the only preparation requested is to read over the lesson and pray for the children that you will be spending time with on Sunday mornings. All activities are prepared and organized to make it as easy as possible to engage with kids during classroom time. Each Sunday, volunteers welcome the kids into their classrooms and play games or complete craft activities related to that week’s lesson.


    • Arrive 15 minutes prior to service start time

    • Follow security procedures at drop off and pick up

    • Read the weekly lesson and pray over the children in your classroom

    • Lead or assist children in various games or crafts pertaining to the weekly lesson


    Kelli Cox

  • Children's Ministry - Uptown (1st-5th grade)

    Areas of need:

    3rd Grade Assistant Teacher (9:30 service)
    4th grade Assistant Teacher (9:30 service)
    4 - Subs (either 9:30 or 11:00 service)
    3 - Storytellers (both hours)

    As a volunteer, each lesson’s activities would be planned and prepared for you, so the only preparation requested is to read over the lesson and pray for the children that you will be spending time with on Sunday mornings. All activities are prepared and organized to make it as easy as possible to engage with kids during classroom time. Each Sunday, volunteers welcome the kids into their classrooms and play games or complete craft activities related to that week’s lesson.


    • Arrive 15 minutes prior to service start time

    • Follow security procedures at drop off and pick up

    • Read the weekly lesson and pray over the children in your classroom

    • Lead or assist children in various games or crafts pertaining to the weekly lesson

    Storyteller – The storyteller will tell the Big God Story during both hours. Usually about 30 minutes per hour.


    Michele Armstrong