Life Groups
Life Groups are small community groups. This is a safe place for you to grow spiritually and connect with others in your walk with God.
A large church can be overwhelming, and without community it's not enough for the spiritual development of yourself and your family. Being a part of a Life Group is a significant part of The Journey.
We offer childcare for Wednesday night and Thursday morning Life Groups. Click the button to register!
Weekday Life Groups
Praying for our Adult Children
Leader: Cindy Rawlings
When: Mondays at 9:30am
Where: Room 108
Who: Moms
Contact: crawlin48@msn.com -
Leader: Brian & Dawn Haston
When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Where: Room 222
Who: Adults
Contact: brian.haston@wchurch.tv -
Family Discipleship
Leader: Ryan Bergh & Sherman Tegtmeier
When: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Where: Fellowship Hall
Who: Couples
Contact: tbergh@wchurch.tv -
College Age Life Group
Leader: Connely Dale
When: Mondays at 6:00pm
Where: Room 222
Who: College Age Adults
Contact: connely.dale@wchurch.tv -
Chinese Speaking Class
When: Sundays at 3:00pm
Where: Room 106
Who: Multi-generational
Contact: liuminbuaa@hotmail.com -
Young Family Bible Study
Leader: Sean Peel
When:Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Where: Room 104
Who: Couples w/ young kids
Contact: sean@peelclan.us
Home Groups
Mark Lamphier
Men’s Group
Scott & Kaylee Chilton
Mike & Roxanne Flair
Marcus & Robin Cochran
Chris & Jenna Nation
Young Couples
Sunday Morning Life Groups
Robert Altman
Leader: Robert Altman
When: Sundays at 8:00am
Where: Fellowship Hall B
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: raltman5@cox.net -
Mike Day
Leader: Mike Day
When: Sundays at 8:00am
Where: Music Suite D
Who: 50s & 60s
Contact: mday@dialrealtycorp.com -
Glen Fischer
Leader: Glen Fischer
When: Sundays at 8:00am
Where: Room 102
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: gfischer3@centurylink.net -
Larry & Jan Dvorak
Leader: Larry & Jan Dvorak
When: Sundays at 8:00am
Where: Room 106
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: ourduckinn65@gmail.com -
The Light Class
Leader: John Abkes
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Music Suite B & C
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: prayer@lightclass.org -
Ron Rodney
Leader: Ron Rodney
When: Sundays at 10:45am
Where: Music Suite D
Who: 60s, 70s, 80s
Contact: ronrodney@cox.net -
Benji Cunningham
Leader: Benji Cunningham
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Room 108
Who: Couples
Contact: benjicunningham05@msn.com -
Leader: Landrum/Bourlands
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Fellowship Hall B
Who: Couples
Contact: Shandra_landrum@yahoo.com -
Brandt Karstens
Leader: Brandt Karstens
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Room 103
Who: 50s, 60s, 70s
Contact: brkarstens@gmail.com -
Vint Community Group
Leader: Mark Lamphier
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Room 106
Who: 50s & 60s
Contact: lamphierm@yahoo.com -
Larry Smith
Leader: Larry Smith
When: Sundays at 11:00am
Where: Fellowship Hall A/D
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: thesmiths9@cox.net -
Brad King
Leader: Brad King
When: Sundays at 11:00am
Where: Music Suite B & C
Who: 50s, 60s, 70s
Contact: bkingomaha@hotmail.com -
Kirk Rowland
Leader: Kirk Rowland
When: Sundays at 11:00am
Where: Fellowship Hall B
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: boboandsugey@cox.net -
Mick Shafer
Leader: Mick Shafer
When: Sundays at 11:00am
Where: Room 108
Who: Senior Adult Women
Contact: mojoworking45@icloud.com -
Spanish Speaking Class
Leader: Frank Gaxiola
When: Sundays at 11:00am
Where: Room 109
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: slgaxiola@gmail.com -
Chris Ahl
Leader: Chris Ahl
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Fellowship Hall A/D
Who: 18-25 year olds
Contact: chris.ahl@medicalsolutions.com -
Chinese Speaking Class
Leader: Dongming/Min
When: Sundays at 9:30am
Where: Room 102
Who: Multi-Generational
Contact: liuminbuaa@hotmail.com -
Josh Montanye
Leader: Josh & Bethany Montanye
When: Sundays @ 9:30am
Where: Room 102
Who: Young Couples
Contact: jbmontanye827@gmail.com
Men’s Life Groups
Ukrainian Men’s Study
Leader: Nikolay Onishchuk
When: Thursdays, 6:00 AM
Leader: onikolayi@yahoo.com
(Email Leader to sign up) -
Sermon Based Study
Leader: Henry Burke
When: Thursdays at 8:00am
Where: Room 102
Contact: hwburke@cox.netWould you like to go deeper into the sermon messages delivered each Sunday? If so, we have a group tailored just for you. This group of men meets weekly to delve into the sermon message from the previous Sunday. Strong fellowship with other men is a wonderful side benefit from this group.
The Man Church Groups
A 40-week, video-driven discipleship small group curriculum designed to empower men to learnto have a fruitful life and faith.
Topics include: Examines 8 attributes Peter lists in 2 Peter 1:5-8. Virture, Steadfastness, Self-Control, etc...
Art Push - Mondays, 11:00 AM Room 102 avpush@aol.com
John Toney - Tuesdays, 8:30 AM Room 106
jwt2@centurylink.netDennis Miller - Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Room 113
mopacjack2@cox.netScott Chilton - Thursdays, 7:00 PM Off Campus
chili3772@gmail.comDon Perrault - Fridays, 6:15 AM Fellowship Hall
dm4p@centurylink.netA.J. Owen - Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Room 103
a.j.owen@me.comEric Wheelock- Wednesdays, 6:00 AM
Music Suite D
Women’s Life Groups
Women's Sermon Based Study
Leader: Monica Morrison
Dates: Ongoing
When: Tuesdays at 1:30pm
Where: Room 107
Contact: mamorrison1974@gmail.comWould you like to go deeper into the sermon messages delivered each Sunday and have fellowship with other women? We look forward to having you!
Jesus and Women
Leader: Char Westley
Dates: Begins January 9
When: Thursdays 9:30am
Where: Room 106
Contact: charlyn.westley@yahoo.com
Book Needed: Jesus and Women by Kristi McLellandJoin biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.
Armor of God
Leader: DeAnna Woeppel
Dates: Begins January 16
When: Thursdays at 10:00am
Where: Music Suite D
Contact: deannamay55@yahoo.com
Book Needed:Armor of God by Priscilla ShirerAll day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. f you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
Precepts: Zechariah, Esther, Malachi
Leader: Debbie Blank
Dates: Begins January 16
When: Thursdays 9:30am
Where: Fellowship Hall
Contact: debbieblank@aol.com
Book Needed: Precept Upon Precept: Zechariah, Esther and MalachiWe will complete our study of the Post-exilic prophets to understand Messianic prophecies in Zechariah, God’s saving hand on Israel through Esther, and God’s final words in the Old Testament in Malachi.
Lunch Ladies
Leader: Sue Olson
Dates: Begins January 7
When: Tuesdays 11:30am
Where: Room 106
Contact: chiselme3@gmail.com
Book Needed: Experiencing God by Henry BlackabyJoin us for Lunch Ladies as we journey thru 12 sessions with Blackaby on Experiencing God. Knowing and Doing the Will of God, looking to God, and how HE pursues a love relations with us
1 Corinthians
Leader: Jan Ramey
Dates: Begins January 23
When: Thursdays 10:00am
Where: Room 111
Contact: jan.ramey02@gmail.comBook Needed: 1 Corinthians-Problems and Solutions In A Growing Church
Paul spent 18 months discipling the young church of Corinth. As we study Paul’s instructions, we’ll gain new insight into the way our own culture adversely influences the church, and learn to recognize the problems that often accompany spiritual renewal in the Christian community.
Luke in the Land
Leader: Tiffany Bergh
Dates: Begins January 16
When: Thursdays 9:30am
Where: Room 110
Contact: tbergh@wchurch.tvBook Needed: Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. These 7 sessions will challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus, the Messiah, brought His Kingdom to earth for everybody.
Crossroads Groups
Grief Share
Leader: Beth Lind
When: Begins March 26 • Wednesdays @ 6:00pm
Where: Room 106
Contact: lind.hank@gmail.comGrieving the loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend is a difficult process and is unique to each individual. Taking the time to process and heal with others can be a healthy part of your own healing. We understand how you feel, because we have been in the same place. Through a DVD and workbook, we will follow the journey of grief.
Good Boundaries & Goodbyes
Leader: Kendra Stubblefield
When: Begins February 12 • Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Where: Room 104
Contact: kjstubby01@gmail.comIs it unloving or selfish to set a boundary? Do you understand the five factors to remember when implementing healthy boundaries? Can you determine the appropriate amount of personal and emotional access someone has to you, based on how responsible they’ll be with that access? Overcome the frustrating cycle of ineffective boundary-setting with realistic scripts and practical strategies to help you communicate, keep, and implement healthier patterns.
How We Love
Leader: Andy & Tracy Bingham
When: Begins January 26 • Sundays @ 9:30am
Where: Room 107
Contact: andy.bingham5@gmail.comA new session of the “How We Love”, a marriage & relationships study, begins Sunday, January 26th @ 9:30am. Join us for a 9-session biblically-based journey to strengthening your marriage relationship, and relationships with others. Discover your love style, and learn how that impacts your marriage. Learn how your early life experiences create an imprint of intimacy – a blueprint that shapes your behavior, beliefs and expectations in all your relationships, especially marriage. Learn how to work toward greater intimacy and a more satisfying emotional connection. Married couples, engaged couples, and singles are all welcome.
Leader: Dr. James Johnson
When: Begins January 22 • Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Where: Music Suite B/C
Contact: james@keys4.orgDr J challenges the idea that it is ok to ignore and live in the shackles of unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment toward others because of past injuries. Using biblical principles, learn that forgiveness is not renewing trust but rather learning how it is a choice before God. The class will challenge our entitlement to become offended or stay angry at other people. In combination with Dr J’s book “Unshackled: Breaking Free from Unforgiveness, Bitterness and Resentment”, the class will also be studying the book by Brant Hanson “Unoffendable: How One Change can Make Life Better” and using the material by Dr Bruce Hebels on “Forgving Forward”
Refocusing Widows
Leader: Alice Teachout
When: Begins January 8 • Wednesdays @ 1:00pm
Where: Room 106
Contact: ateachout@cox.netRefocusing Widows is a biblically based course tailored for women to share common experiences and seek direction in their journey. Through class sessions and homework, we'll explore topics such as sharing your story, finances, self-care, setting goals and other pertinent topics
Have a question about our Life Groups? Please fill out the form and someone will reach out!